What is an Override Accident?

June 30, 2021

Last Updated: August 24, 2024

The last thing any person expects is that they will be involved in an accident with a large commercial truck. Even though the vast majority of these vehicles are very safe, there are times when accidents do occur. One of the most terrifying types of crashes that can occur involving a large truck is called an “override accident.”

An override accident occurs when a passenger vehicle is essentially run over by the larger commercial truck. Here, we want to further define what override accidents are as well as the most common causes of these incidents.

Defining an Override Truck Accident

Override truck accidents occur when the front end of a larger commercial truck, such as a semi-truck, a tractor-trailer, or any other larger type of truck on the roadway, crashes into the back end of a car. There is a significant height difference between most larger commercial trucks and traditional passenger vehicles on the roadway. Because of this height difference, the front of the truck will typically “ride over” the rear end of the vehicle. In some situations, a truck can slide all the way over the top of a smaller passenger vehicle.

Even though these are essentially rear-end collisions, the consequences are much worse than a traditional rear-end collision between vehicles that are similar in size. Override truck accidents are typically very violent, and they often result in severe injuries or fatalities because of the amount of force exerted on the impact and the type of trauma inflicted on those inside of the smaller vehicle. In these situations, override truck accidents can essentially shear off the top of a smaller passenger car.

Most Common Causes of Override Truck Accidents

Override truck accidents have a variety of causes on the roadways of West Virginia. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Weather conditions. Anytime there are hazardous conditions on the roadway that result in slippery surfaces, this could result in a large truck override accident. This is particularly true for wet surfaces or situations where snow and ice are on the ground. This can prevent a truck from coming to a stop as quickly as usual, and unfortunately, result and these severe rear-end collisions.
  • Driver negligence. Truck drivers have tremendous responsibilities behind the wheel. Not only must they be properly licensed to operate these large trucks, but they need to remain vigilant at all times. Under no circumstances should a truck driver operate while impaired by alcohol or drugs, and they should never operate while distracted by phones or other devices. These types of actions could lead to severe override accidents. Additionally, drivers who operate too fast for conditions are also much more likely to be involved in severe rear-end accidents.
  • Truck company negligence. There are times when trucking companies fail to properly inspect and maintain their vehicles. When this occurs, the truck can experience various types of mechanical failures that lead to deadly override accidents.

Contact an Attorney for Help

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in an override accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, reach out to a Martinsburg trucking accident attorney for help as soon as possible. A skilled accident lawyer can fully investigate your case and help determine liability. They will stand by your side and vigorously negotiate to ensure that you and your family receive the compensation you need.


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