Insurance Bad Faith

  • What is GAP Insurance?

    Individuals rely on auto insurance to help cover their expenses after a crash occurs. However, there are times when individuals are making payments on a new vehicle or leasing a vehicle, and they need additional insurance assistance to cover all of the expenses due to depreciation. Here, our accident attorneys in Martinsburg want to discuss

  • How to File a Car Accident Claim With Liberty Mutual

    If you or somebody you love has been injured in an accident and you are insured with Liberty Mutual, then you need to know the steps to take in order to recover compensation for your losses. Even though the “liberty, liberty, liberty” jingle may run through your head when you think of your insurance carrier,

  • How to File a Car Accident Claim With Progressive

    If you or a loved one get into an accident and you are currently insured with Progressive, then you need to know what steps to take to recover compensation. Filing an insurance claim should be an easy process, but that is not always the case. Insurance claims adjusters with Progressive use various tactics to limit

  • How to File a Car Accident Claim With Allstate

    If you or somebody in your family is involved in a vehicle accident and you are insured with Allstate, then you need to know how to file a claim as soon as possible to recover any compensation you may be owed. Contrary to what their advertisements say, you are not necessarily always in “good hands”

  • How to File a Car Accident Claim With State Farm

    If you have been involved in a vehicle accident and you use State Farm Insurance, then you need to know how to file a claim. Recovering compensation after an accident occurs is crucial, but filing a claim with an insurance carrier can be a complex process. It is important to understand that insurance carriers like

  • What Damages can be Recovered in Bad Faith Case?

    Anytime an insurance company wrongfully denies a claim, they are acting in bad faith. The insurance policy between the insurance company and the insured is considered a contract that requires the company to act in good faith. Insurance companies often try to deny a claim for any reason they can or underpay for a claim. The

  • What Constitutes a Bad Faith Insurance Claim?

    Most people will deal with an insurance carrier at some point in their lives. After all, most of us have some type of insurance policy that we pay for or are covered under. This can include automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance, and more. Insurance carriers are typically the entity in charge when it comes

  • What to Do if You Have a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim

    Many different events can lead to a homeowner’s insurance claim.  Let’s say that you’ve suffered through a hailstorm that damages your siding and shingles.  Or you’ve had a water pipe burst that damages your hardwood floors.  This alone is incredibly stressful but having to deal with your homeowner’s insurance company can be equally stressful.  Insurance